Saturday, June 9, 2007!

It's a friday! We get up in the morning at around 8 am and by 8:45, we were off. Not to our office But to Inox @ Garuda's for a movie show! [:D] Basically, we were done with our end sems report submission and seminar on the previous day. So, we hit upon this brilliant plan and we bunked office on [Thank God It's Friday]. We went for a muvi called 'CheeniKum' where we laughed away to glory especially in the first half. Inspired by the movie, we then tried to test our stamina [:P] by walking to Ebony @ M.G road from Garuda's. Doodie was treating today in his very own Georgia ishtyle for his full-aid scholarship for MS. The rooftop restaurant was on the 13th floor and you could enjoy the best city views in Bangalore. We hogged like crazy over there and then we hit Amoeba,Church Street for a game of Bowling. By the time, we got an alley to ourselves, we helped ourselves to some video gaming and few Air Hockey matches. The bowling game was a high scoring affair with hemanthe (on his debut) having scored a four-bagger(4 consecutive strikes) ended with a staggering score of 170. I took the honours of finishing 2nd with 130 [:)]. Score Card. After that myself,gobar and thakur set off for S.P Road to buy External Hard Disks for ourselves. We had to rush back home after that so that we don't miss our of-late craze, the Indian Idol show at 9pm !!!

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