Sunday, April 22, 2007

Creativity :: Is it learnt ??

This is a controversial topic! There can be two different schools of thought regarding this. But I believe (after a decent amount of research on the internet and personal belief & realization) that creativity is mainly learnt.We are not born with it.It is our ability to learn that gives the power of creativity.Creativity stems from the ability to learn from what is around us, accumulate those learnings, interpret them and apply them in some different context.I agree that creativity does come from inside BUT you have to draw on the experiences you have learnt from the world to be able to do so.No individual is instantly creative.Every intelligent agent operates on some input.We don't realize that our brain also receives input(may be involuntarily) through our eyes and ears.

Researchers in this area, Seltzer and Bentley, in their work "The Creative Age", identify four qualities that creative learners must have :
  • The ability to identify new problems and define them.
  • The ability to transfer knowledge gained in one context to another in order to solve a problem.
  • A belief in learning as an incremental process, in which repeated attempts will eventually lead to success.
  • And the capacity to focus attention in the pursuit of a goal.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Five Philosophies of Life!

"Don't let someone become a priority in your life...when you are just an option for them..... ...."

"Never cry for any relation in life because for the one whom you cry does not deserve your tears and the one who deserves will never let you cry...... ....."

"Treat everyone with politeness even those who are rude to you, not because they are not nice...But because you are nice...."

"Never search your happiness in others which will make you feel alone...Rather search it in yourself, you will feel happy even if you are left alone...... ......"

"Happiness always looks small when we hold it in our hands but when we learn to share it, we realize how big and precious it is!....
.. ....."

P.S : Content taken (lifted :P ) from one of the forwarded mails!
because i liked it and wanted to share it with others BUT didn't want to flood their inbox! :)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

An entire day to myself...

One of the things I love to do is have an entire day all to myself. A day of rest and relaxation, a day to recharge my batteries and forget about everyone else; a day when I let go of the world of responsibilities and enjoy the whole day to myself. After all, cultivating a relationship with myself is supposed to be one of the most important things -right? So here's how I do it...

I sleep really well the night before because I know I don't have to catch the company cab early next morning and also I have nothing important/planned to do the next day. It's going to be a day of pure indulgence and if that means sleeping in or generally surfing the web or chatting/orkutting all day then so be it. There really is something magical about having a large expanse of time with nothing planned – not even one small task/obligation. I can still spend it cleaning or working or doing whatever I usually do, but just doing it because I want to feels so different.Any 'shoulds' I may have get thrown in the bin - things like 'I should clean my clothes, tidy up blah blah'. If I feel like doing any of those things in the morning then fine, but I have my own permission to just do what nourishes me, what feels good. It's amazing how much lighter I feel as I lay in my bed, a sense of excitement and freedom filling me up just like a child.I still vividly remember how I used to spend those beautiful summer holidays ,spending the whole day to myself, doing whatever i WANTED to do!

Generally,on such days,I skip breakfast and go for a HEAVY lunch ; especially chicken :) In the afternoon I may lie down and listen to some slow soothing tracks or check out the television for a moment. Or simply, lie down on my bed upside down and surf the huge resourceful internet and blog, as I am doing right now [:P] Various weird thoughts then creep into my mind.Things like what shall I do next in my life ? or rather What do I want to do next ? If I let myself go into it I usually emerge feeling wonderful. I can sense my body responding and feeling simply beautiful!.I then search the kitchen cupboards and fridge for some Tang/Rasna to make a cool afternoon drink.

That night I sleep deeply, feeling really good and special, and the next day I am ready to get back to work and into the world of other people and their demands. The fact that I have rested gives me extra energy and I usually enjoy my day.

Monday, April 9, 2007

vi.v.a go.a

Memories of the Goa Trip:
GOA BECKONS....,tickets nahin mil rahein hain yaar, gobar n ghom, wednesday > teyk it!, i m ready, office lite!, wats d budget yaarron, ATM,not all cash at one place!, volvo ac sleeper, seats exchange, antakhshari with ONLY new songs, himesh...., click!,mera bhi le yaar!!, ehh n70 me,n91 4gb,n91 8gb!!, the HALT in our journey, police investigation, finally, we reach gOa!, NEPTUNE, we meet a f.r.i.e.n.d!!!, pulsaaaaar rocks!,splendor n activa lite!, first goan food, itna sab kuch 55 rupees mein, simply beautiful!, panaji city ride, off to our first beach: MIRAMAR beach, tanha tanha, jump jump...jump in d air!!, thrills, gaja buja thrills, viva dabombs, off to DONA PAULA, dry beach, lite hogaya goa, limesoda, here comes d ferry ride errrr d feni ride, wat a enthu man!,who joins our dance thrill? ...the phoren babe, screaaaaaaaaaam bangalore!!!!, konkani dance, off to BAGA beach, beach shacks, sea food,prawns,lobsters,oysters,crab!!!, kingfish steak,mix nv sizzlers....whers d party 2nite ? on d beach shack :) , boooooooooooze, back to neptune!, every1 set ur cell alarm for 5am, finally we start at 9am!, sunscreeeen bath, ghom baba stomach upset..., newys,its DCH time, AGUADA FORT, only d poses, flickr PRO, SIX of us!, then comes ANJUNA beach, rocky beach,into d waters, thakur njoys d swimming pool :) , every beach has got its own charm yaar!,no watersports here wtf man!, off to CALANGUTE beach, d queen of d beaches,let d thrills begin...,walk against d tides,I CAN...I WILL,watersports kicks off with d waterscooter ride!,get tattooooed,hippy!!!,need body massage....,lunch > only sea fud machaa,back 2 waters..,kara n pd touch d floors,kara scared!,banana ride and parasailing,mnm single!,kArA fighting with the parachute on d ground! :),need energy man!,chillax with fruit juices n feni,back 2 waters....,nite life at BAGA!,hunt for disc/pub...stag entry!, oriya waiter n bong cook wala dinner ,encounter with ppl having dual core technology!!!, the discussion which led to a verbal fight...SMART work!,one more peg..,stop yaar! u guys hav 2 drive back, lets spend d nite here, pulsaar ride back to hotel at 4am with high spirits!, okie guys we hav 2 check out at 9am, tring tring > the alarm, get started for BITS-PILANI,GOA CAMPUS, werever we go, we see sura!!, run to meet dmk, the holes!, gals r better yaar :),unka c'not kahaan hain ????, naah not tat gud....,back to panaji!, i luv panaji,hav 2 use the reamaing fuel,shall we suck it out ?, take lite...lets go 4 gen bike ride,vroooom vroooom, CCD @ goa!, wow is now menu, final view of d beach, sea....sand....sun tats goa for u!!!, simply beautiful!, simply amazing!!, simply orgasmic :)

FLICKR slideshow of GOA pictures!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Prediction!!!

World Cup Predictions!!!

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • South Africa
  • Sri Lanka

Dream Semi Finals-
  • Sri Lanka defeats Australia
  • New Zealand defeats South Africa

Dream Final
  • New Zealand defeats Sri Lanka
New Zealand becomes the Champions of the 2007 edition of the ICC Cricket World Cup!!!!!