1. Get organized before you go:
Before leaving on vacation, make a list of tasks to complete and tick everything off as you get it finished. Having that reminder helps you leave feeling like everything has been taken care of. Knowing that you’ve left everything in order will reduce anxiety when it’s time to return, taking your mind off of unfinished work, letting you focus on relaxation.
2. Ease back into it:
Keep your schedule light the first few days back. Don’t try to do everything you missed while you were gone all at once. If possible don’t plan any big meetings or set any major deadlines for those first days. Sort through and organize the tasks at hand. Talk to your co-workers to find out what you missed, then set your priorities.
3. Focus on the positive:
Think about your friends/family at work and other reasons you enjoy your job. This will help you feel positive about going back to work. Your state of mind can have a significant effect on your work life. Those who have a positive or optimistic attitude deal with fewer work-related problems, are more energetic and generally feel more peaceful and calm.